Volunteering with Wymondham Archers
Very little happens at Wymondham Archers without volunteers. They undertake a variety of tasks ranging from the very straightforward to the more complex; from short term to long term.
As Chair of Wymondham Archers I am always impressed by the kindness, ingenuity and worthwhile endeavour of our volunteers towards making Wymondham Archers a wonderful place to shoot together and to volunteer within.
Why should we volunteer?
There are many reasons why we might consider volunteering. You might be surprised about some of the health benefits or social connections you could gain by volunteering, this brief introduction aims to highlight some of them. It's also important to understand what we're providing to the club and what we should do if we wish to stop volunteering.
Volunteering can help us stay in touch with people, to tap into regular and strong support systems. It can fend off stress and depression. Studies show time and again that volunteering is good for our long term mental and physical health. Volunteering together with Wymondham Archers can bring with it a huge sense of purpose. We can take time out to forget our own problems as we help to build an archery community. You may bring particular abilities, or you might build new skills that could support your career should you find yourself at that stage in your life. You may even live longer, particularly if your motivations are focussed on helping others.
Wymondham Archers has indemnity and employer liability insurance which enable you to volunteer with us. If your circumstances change you may no longer be available to volunteer for Wymondham Archers. If you find yourself here we ask that you do your best to help the club by giving us notice or finding someone to cover for you. Aligned to this we want you to remain a member as we are confident that together we are all striving towards...
Saying “Yes” to Archery.
Thank you for volunteering with us.
Chair of Wymondham Archers