Score sheets
Remember shooting a round is started after doing two 3 arrow ends of sighters - totalling 6 arrows. Some of the faces are a little different and we've provided typical examples at the bottom for you needs. The rules for shooting any round can be found in the Rules of Shooting.
Please select from the documents below and download for your own needs.
Stafford, Portsmouth and Bray
If you have done a beginners course with us you will know how the face sizes change and why. For example the Stafford face, Portsmouth face and Bray face are essentially designed the same way (see below) and only differ in size; the Stafford is largest at 80cm, the Portsmouth is 60cm and lastly the Bray comes in at 40cm.
The rules for shooting any round can be found in the Rules of Shooting.
The Vegas
The Vegas is a 3 Spot face with only 5 zones; 10 through to 6. If you miss the six then you miss. If you hit a face twice the highest score is taken away (Eek! - I know.) Often these faces are placed at each corner of a 122cm boss or set up in a triangle, one high in the centre and two lower each side towards the corners. The rules for shooting any round can be found in the Rules of Shooting.
The Worcester
With the Worcester the scoring is much simpler but it's the way the tournament is shot that challenges some people; half the round is shot on a high face on the boss and half is shot on a low face. The rules for shooting any round can be found in the Rules of Shooting.
Remember to cross score with a partner so that you can submit your score to our records officer.
We hope you find this page useful, please let us know how we might improve it.
Happy Shooting