252 Progression Award

The 252 award is designed to help you develop and practice, challenge you by introducing different distances, recognise your achievements, and most importantly be fun.

Shooting will involve six sighters followed by three dozen arrows at your selected distance on a 122cm face; all distances are in yards. The aim being to get the required score for your bow type at that distance - please refer to the table below.

If you shoot the required score twice on separate days you can then claim the award.


  • Six sighters to be followed immediately by three dozen scored arrows.
  • 5-zone scoring (Gold = 9, Red = 7, Blue = 5, Black = 3, White = 1)
  • Scores must be achieved twice to qualify for the award.
  • Qualifying scores for a given distance must be shot on different days.
  • Badges may be claimed in any order.
  • Bowstyles are as defined in the AGB Rules of Shooting.
  • Badges cost £2.00 each.


Juniors under 13yrs
AwardDistance (yds)RecurveCompoundBarebowLongbow
Green 10252280189164
Juniors 13yrs - 16yrs
AwardDistance (yds)RecurveCompoundBarebowLongbow
Green 20252280189164
Seniors & over 16yrs
AwardDistance (yds)RecurveCompoundBarebowLongbow
Green 20252280189164

Beginners and Novice Progress Awards

Wymondham Archers are now running the AGB progress Awards. This is designed for beginners and novice archers (up to 2 years of shooting). So, if you have been shooting for less than 2 years and want something to work towards indoors please read the information and rules below.


  • 5 colours of certificate will be awarded – white, black, blue, red, gold.
  • Indoor Compound shooting will be based on Inner Ten Ring scores.
  • Certificates will be awarded by clubs at each level.
  • The standard for each colour will be set in line with that of Ladies/Junior Ladies AGB classifications – i.e. White standard is based on 3rd class – Gold is based on 1 st class – with Black, Blue and Red graded in between.
  • Certificates to be awarded to 6 age groups – U12, U14, U16, U18, Seniors. Over 65 group (using U16 scores).
  • No differentiation between genders.
  • All colours of awards can be gained again at each age level or bow type, in any order.
  • Distances are all in yards.
  • Submit scoresheets to records@wymondhamarchers.co.uk


  • Archers will be required to shoot 3 dozen arrows in a single session to gain a qualifying score.
  • Archers will be required to shoot 3 qualifying scores for each certificate awarded.
  • 6 Sighters are required as a minimum.
  • 10 zone scoring.
  • More than one round can be shot in the same session/day.
  • Only one certificate can be awarded for each qualifying set of 3 scores.

Details of the required scores for each award can be found in agb-indoor-progress.pdf.

Portsmouth Award

This award is designed to help you focus while practicing and to recognise personal development during the indoor season. This award also encourages archers to score a recognised round.

The badges you can claim are 300, 325, 350, 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 525, 550, 575. We will eventually have badges that go all the way up to 600!

Scores of 415 and 430 will go towards your 400 badge. You will then have to shoot two more scores of 425 or over to receive the 425 badge. No scores will be carried over to the next season, so at the beginning of the next indoor season next October you will have to shoot two more scores 425 or over to gain that badge.

If the first award you achieve is for example 400, then you will have the opportunity to purchase the previous badges if you wish.

Any scores you shoot at competitions will count towards the awards, please put the official results with your name, date and score highlighted in the folder in the container.


  • Portsmouth round (5 dozen scoring arrows), to be shot on a 60cm face indoors.
  • Two ends of sighters (2×3=6 arrows- maximum).
  • 10 Zone Scoring, X, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, and M for any misses.
  • Scores must be achieved twice to qualify for the award.
  • Scores must be shot on separate days, indoors.
  • A qualifying score may only be counted once.
  • Score sheets must be signed by archer and scorer and replaced in the folder.
  • Badges cost £2.00 each.
  • Previous badges may be purchased to recognise an archer’s progression.

If you need any more information please contact the records officer - records@wymondhamarchers.co.uk.

If you find yourself stuck at a certain level, you might want to consider some coaching. There are several coaches at the club who will be very willing to support your progress: Please ask.

These awards are for club members only.

Thank you to Sally Palmer for helping to design the badges.

Good luck!
