We have one priority - inclusivity
The Wymondham Archers committee is dedicated to enhancing the club’s operations and member experience through a structured approach centred around six key pillars that stem from our Priority Value of Inclusivity. Each pillar focuses on a specific aspect of the club's growth and development, ensuring a comprehensive strategy that addresses all critical areas.
Raising the Profile of the Club and Communications - The committee aims to reach out to local communities to encourage participation in archery. The committee works to ensure that everyone stays informed about events, social activities, member achievements, and any changes to facilities. This pillar is essential for building a strong community presence and fostering a sense of inclusivity and engagement among members.
Governance - The committee is actively working to improve our governance, policies and procedures. The club is striving to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) while continuously reviewing and updating its policies and procedures. The goal is to establish a robust governance structure that ensures effective decision-making, transparency, sustainability, and accountability. This pillar underpins the club’s operations, providing a solid foundation for all its activities.
Planning - The committee is committed to reviewing and renewing the Club Development, creating a fresh 3-5 year plan based around strategic goals. Collaboration with partners like Wymondham Rugby Football Club and Norfolk Showground Ltd is also a priority in securing the long-term use of both outdoor and indoor archery ranges; supports the Club’s sustainable growth and development.
Social Efforts - The committee strive to organise regular social events and activities, both related and unrelated to archery. These include charity events, community fetes, picnics, BBQs, and cinema visits. By doing so, the committee aims to strengthen community bonds and enhance the overall social dynamic within the club
Competitions and Tournaments - The committee encourages members to participate in local and national competitions and plans to organise at least one formal tournament per year.
Access to Archery for All Levels of Skill - The committee aims to ensure that individuals at all skill levels have access to archery. This pillar is crucial for fostering growth and ensuring that all members, regardless of their skill level, can enjoy and progress in the sport of archery.
Roles and Responsibilities are reviewed annually following the Club's AGM
Chairperson (Executive Officer)
Pete Hill —
The Chairperson’s responsibilities include:
- Chairing all meetings.
- Attending County meetings.
- To ensure all committee members are able to carry out their jobs.
- Ensuring the general smooth running of the club.
- To support functions of other committee members when needed.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- To promote the club and the sport of archery.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- Is an executive officer of the committee.
- Provides an Annual Report for the Club's AGM
- Committee vote and casting vote.
Vice Chairperson (Executive Officer)
Jake Francis —
The Vice-chairperson’s responsibilities include:
- Chairing all meetings in the chairperson’s absence.
- Undertaking all roles and responsibilities of the chair in their absence.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- To assist with the smooth running of the club.
- In the absence of the Secretary to write agendas for meetings and minutes if necessary.
- To help promote the club and the sport of archery.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- Is an executive officer of the committee.
- Supports Chair in providing an Annual Report for the Club's AGM
- Committee vote and casting vote in the absence of the Chair.
Membership and Admin (Executive Officer)
Salina Baboo and Keith Brandon —
The Secretary’s responsibilities include:
- Writing agendas for all meetings and minutes in the absence of a Minute Taker.
- To arrange committee meetings and AGM's.
- Maintaining the club mailing lists.
- To hold and maintain the database of club members.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- Submitting membership forms to Archery GB.
- All other club administration.
- To support the junior members officer.
- Publicising the club.
- To help promote the club and the sport of archery.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- Is an executive officer of the committee.
- Provides an Annual Report for the Club's AGM
- Committee vote.
Treasurer (Executive Officer)
Dr. Mark Brookes —
The Treasurer's responsibilities include:
- Maintaining the clubs budget.
- Producing up to date balances at committee meetings.
- Producing annual balances for the AGM.
- Arranging an annual audit of the club accounts.
- To ensure that club equipment is adequately insured.
- Deciding (with the committee) what to spend the club budget on.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- To help promote the club and the sport of archery.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- Is an executive officer of the committee.
- Provides an Annual Report for the Club's AGM
- Committee vote.
Safeguarding and Welfare Officer
Dr. Alice Hawkes —
The Safeguarding and Welfare Officers responsibilities include:
- Receiving and acting upon any reported concerns.
- Ensuring the Archery GB child and vulnerable adult policy is adhered to.
- Acting as first point of contact for club members on matters relating to the welfare and safety of vulnerable children and adults.
- Advocating the importance of child and vulnerable adult’s protection to all members.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- To help promote the club and the sport of archery.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- Provides an Annual Report for the Club's AGM
- Committee vote.
Health and Safety Officer
Peter Barrett —
The Health and Safety Officers roles and responsibilities include:
- To advise the club on best practice for health and safety matters, in relation to all aspects of the club equipment, recourses and procedures.
- To ensure the clubs risk assessments are up to date at all times.
- Delegate additional responsibilities to other Committee members in support of this role.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- To help promote the club and the sport of archery.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- Provides an Annual Report for the Club's AGM
- Committee vote.
Equipment Officer
Daron March —
The Equipment Officers responsibilities include:
- Maintaining all the club equipment.
- Performing bi-annual stock takes.
- Ensuring the club stores remain clean and organised.
- Ensuring there is adequate stock of target faces for all club target days.
- Deciding (with the committee) what equipment to purchase each year.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- To help promote the club and the sport of archery.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- Provides an Annual Report for the Club's AGM
- Committee vote.
Website Officer
Dr. Dan Parnham
The Website Officers roles and responsibilities include:
- Managing the content of the club website.
- Delegate additional responsibilities to other club members in support of maintaining the website.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- To help promote the club and the sport of archery.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- Provides an Annual Report for the Club's AGM
- Committee vote.
Fundraising Officer
Dr. John Packman —
The Fundraising and Development Officers roles and responsibilities include:
- To raise funds on behalf and for the club.
- Delegate additional responsibilities to other club members in support of this role.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- To help promote the club and the sport of archery.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- Provides an Annual Report for the Club's AGM
- Committee vote.
Junior Members Officer
The Junior Members Officers roles and responsibilities include:
- To represent the junior members of the club on the committee.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- To be a point of contact for junior members.
- To help come up with ideas and activities for junior sessions.
- To help the growth of the junior membership.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- To help promote the club and the sport of archery.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- Provides an Annual Report for the Club's AGM
- Committee vote unless U16.
Competitions Officer
Dr. David Hall —
The Competitions Officers responsibilities include:
- Organising internal club competitions.
- Organising any open competitions hosted by the club.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- To publicise external tournaments to members, if appropriate, collect and send entries, publicise target lists and results.
- Encouraging club members to take part in local and national competitions.
- Arranging club teams for competitions and supporting the club members in the process.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- To help promote the club and the sport of archery.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- Provides an Annual Report for the Club's AGM
- Committee vote.
Records Officers
Jake Francis —
The Records Officers responsibilities include:
- Inputting all scores shot by club members in the club’s database.
- Maintaining an accurate list of club records.
- Arranging member’s classification awards.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- To help promote the club and the sport of archery.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- Provides an Annual Report for the Club's AGM
- Committee vote.
Coaching Officer
Pete Hill —
The Coaching Officer will be the senior coach for the club, responsibilities include:
- Coordinating all club coaches.
- Developing a coaching course for the club.
- Bringing in new coaching opportunities.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- To help promote the club and the sport of archery.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- Provides an Annual Report for the Club's AGM
- Committee vote.
Minute Taker
Vacant Position
The Minute Takers roles and responsibilities include:
- Take minutes at committee meetings.
- Take minutes at AGM’s.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- No committee vote.
Supporting Committee Officers
Dr. Sandra Edwards, Terry Reeve
The Supporting Committee Officers roles and responsibilities include:
- Supporting any of the officers of the club in their duties.
- To adhere to Committee Members Conduct and Responsibilities
- To help promote the club and the sport of archery.
- To help with the development and growth of the club.
- Committee vote.